Md. Jubaer Hosain

Competitive Programmer

Sotfware Engineer

MEARN Stack Developer

Knight coder in LeetCode

4 star coder in CodeChef

Specialist coder in Codeforces

  • Phone : +8801581401964
  • Email :
  • Dhaka, Bangladesh

About Me

Hey, I'm Md. Jubaer Hosain

Currently, I'm studying a bachelor's science in software engineering at the University of Dhaka. I am a quick learner and love to learn something new. I am interested in competitive programming. Solved 1700+ coding problem in different coding platforms. I also develop web applications using ExpressJs, NestJs, ReactJs, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, MySQL and MongoDB.

Education & Experience

BSc in Software Engineering

University of Dhaka

Jan 2019 - Present

CGPA : 3.24 / 4.00 (Up to 5th semester)

Higher Secondary School Certificate

Jamalganj Govt. College

Jul 2016 - Jun 2018

GPA : 5.00 / 5.00

Secondary School Certificate

Sachna Bazar High School

Jun 2010 - Mar 2016

GPA : 4.78 / 5.00

Part-Time Trainee Software Engineer

Cefalo Bangladesh Ltd.

Aug 2024 - Present

Trainee Software Engineer

Cefalo Bangladesh Ltd.

Jan 2024 - Jun 2024

Achievements & Skills

Independence Cup 2022 Programming Contest


Team Name: TLE

Phitron Programming Contest 2022

6th (out of 650+)

Solo Contest

SEC Inter University Junior Programming Contest 2022

17th (out of 100+)

Team Name: DU_404NotFound

SRBD Code Contest

236th (out of 700+) - 2022

238th (out of 650+) - 2023

Qualified For Round 2

The 2021, 2022 ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Site Online Preliminarist

Solved 3 problem - 2021, DU_NotFound

Solved 3 problem - 2022, DU_Rational_Coders

BUET CSE FEST 2023 Hackathon Finalist

Qualified For Onsite Final Round

Team Name: DU_Rational_Coders

Code Samurai - 2024 (Inter University Hackathon)

Qualified For Round 2


Meta Hacker Cup 2023

6102nd (out of 20k+)

Qualified For 2nd Round

Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, Javascript, TypeScript
Frameworks & Libraries: ExpressJS, NestJs, Spring Boot, ReactJs, NextJs, Ant Design, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS
Database Tools: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Sequelize, TypeORM, Prisma, Mongoose
Other Tools: Git, Jira, Docker, Nginx, RabbitMQ, Scikit-learn, Keras
Add-Ons: Problem Solving, Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Design, System Design, Microservices, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, SRS Documentation

HackerEarth max rating: 1884 (Best Global Rank: 23)
LeetCode max rating: 1879 (Knight Coder, Top 5% Globally)
CodeChef max rating: 1810 (4 star)
CodeForces max rating: 1401 (Specialist)
Solved 1700+ coding problems in different coding platforms


Beautified You

Mar 2024 - Jul 2024

A full stack ecommerce website for beautified you cosmetics shop with authentication, user management, product management, cart management, order management and admin panel. This a team project with one of my team member. Currently this application is publicly available and used by customers.

Cefalo Blog

Feb 2024 - Apr 2024

Cefalo Blog is a full-stack web application which I developed during my internship at Cefalo Bangladesh Ltd. Users can create, read, update, and delete blog posts with ease. Rich text editor and image uploading makes this user friendly. Users also can comment on a particular blog and reply to other comments.

Gomoku Game

Jan 2022 - Mar 2022

An AI based 10*10 two player(AI vs User) game using minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning and heuristic. Gomoku is a two-player strategy board game where the objective is to be the first to get five of your stones in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Smart GPT

Sep 2023 (In 24 hours Hackathon)

A web app that was developed in BUET CSE FEST 2023. integrating text, voice and image inputs, and a modular API for generating customized PDFs such as children's books and travel blogs. Created a platform for sharing and browsing these PDF.

Potato Disease Classification

Oct 2022

A deep learning based project where a model is trained to detect potato disease from leaf images. A FastAPI backend and ReactJs frontend is developed for user interaction.

Bangla Text Summarizer

Aug 2022

A Bangla Text Summarization tool will deal with the summarization of Bangla text based on the extractive method.

SPL Management System

Oct 2022

SPL (Software Project Lab) Management System is a web based application which aims to help the students and SPL board of IIT, DU by doing appropiate supervisor allocation, mark evaluation, monitoring spl progress.

Mini Linkedin

Oct 2022

Mini Linked is a microservice based app. Mini Linkedin supports authentication, posting status, images and notification. The project was developed in the distributed system course.




Online Judges


Online Contests


Onsite Contests

Online Judge Handles

HackerEarth HackerEarth

Max Rating: 1884

Best Global Rank: 23

LeetCode LeetCode

Max Rating: 1879

Best Global Rank: 652

Knight Coder

CodeChef CodeChef

Max Rating: 1810

Best Global Rank: 96

4* Coder

Codeforces Codeforces

Max Rating: 1401

Best Global Rank: 1177


Contact Me

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Find Me:

Amar Ekushey Hall, University of Dhaka
Dhaka, Bangladesh